OpenPlant Modeler Help

Administrate Groups - Verify tab

Used to check the created groups, adjust settings, and modify the group data for the parts list.

(Check group data consistency)

Checks whether all the groups have a main part. When a group without a main part is detected, this group is dissolved.

In addition, checking ’Mark Orphans’ displays the parts that don’t belong to a group.  Groups without a main part may occur when the main part was deleted and the group has not been detached.

(Downgrade group to sub group) Downgrades a component part group to a subgroup. However, this material group mustn’t contain any subordinated subgroups.
(Upgrade sub group to group) Upgrades a subgroup to a standard component part group.
Mark Orphans When checked, all valid groups are hidden according to the specifications when checking a group. Parts that belong to no group are marked in color.

Colored markings are removed once ‘Regenerate’ tool is run, or when you assign the parts to a group.

Release Single Part Groups When checked, all valid groups consisting of only one component part are released when checking a group.
(Search group) You can search different groups by highlighting and zooming found groups or by hiding the other groups.
  • Search Number field – Enter the position numbers of the groups to be searched in the input field. Then, select the parts to be searched (in most cases, you will select all of the parts in one field) and confirm your selection by pressing <ENTER> or the right-click mouse.

    Several position numbers can be entered at the same time, provided they are separated by a decimal point. Complete position areas must be separated by a hyphen.

    If you search e.g. the positions No. 5 and 7 resp, 17 up to  28, you enter the value 5,7,17-28 in the Search Numbers field. 

    The ‘Regenerate’ tool or Display Parts, makes the parts of the group visible again, and removes the marking in color.

    In the selection list, you can specify how the result has to be displayed.

(Identify part) The position number of a picked component part is taken over in the preset field for search.
Selection List Sets how the result of a search has to be displayed.
  • Hide – All parts are hidden except the found parts.
  • Mark – The found parts are highlighted.
  • Zoom Extents – The found parts are zoomed.
(Hide group/sub group) Hides all parts of a group together (depending on the parameters for hiding). To do so, click any part of the group.

The ‘Regenerate’ tool or Display Parts, makes the parts of the group visible again.

(Display all hidden) Makes all hidden parts of a group visible again. Alternatively, you can also use the ‘Regenerate’ tool.
Selection List Select which parts of a group will be hidden using the drop-down list.
  • Main Parts  - only  the main part will be hidden.
  • Single Parts - all accessory parts will be hidden.
  • All Parts - the whole group will be hidden.
(List group containment status) Displays the hierarchic group structure of a component part. To do so, you have to click on the component part.

Opens the Group Member Status dialog which informs you about the belonging to and the status of the main part. In this dialog, it is possible to highlight the group structures in color.

(Create group from orphan objects) Creates an independent component part group with all single parts not belonging to a group.
(Compare two parts/groups) Compares two component part groups with each other. To do so, you have to select the two groups to be compared.

Opens the Element Comparison dialog that lists the comparison result in detail. (See also ‘Positionflags and Positioning’ ). Identical element properties (identified by a blue check) and which are not identical (identified by a red X).

Compare and Modify When checked, modifies nonidentical elements if according to the Settings they are different. Component part groups having the same position number, which however are not recognized as identical at comparison, will be corrected. The position numbers are modified according to the settings of positioning.